The latest book from Tony Morden


Joined up thinking for fragmented times

How To Order

Dilemma Management is published by
McNidder & Grace.

The Book is available from all good book retailers.

Paperback format ISBN 978 0857 162 014

eBook format ISBN 978 0857 162 021

'For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not first sit down and estimate the cost, to see whether he has enough to complete it? Otherwise, when he has laid a foundation and is not able to finish, all who see it will begin to ridicule him, saying "this fellow began to build and was not able to finish'

St Luke's Gospel Chapter 14, Verses 28-30.

Other Books by Tony Morden

This Book draws on, and is to some degree underpinned by all four of the Author’s existing published works, as listed below. These books are available from Bookpoint, from Routledge, from Amazon, and from all good booksellers. Amazon also sells Kindle versions of some of these books, whilst some are also available in e-format.

Principles of Management and Principles of Strategic Management are well established works which describe, analyse and explain the various concepts, principles and practices of the management process.

Equality, Diversity and Opportunity Management and A Short Guide to Equality Risk deal with issues of equality, diversity, opportunity and discrimination that are classic sources of dilemmas. The process of Dilemma Management described in this Book is frequently required to seek resolutions to these issues, and thereby to assure the maintenance of people's Human Rights.

Click on the books above for more details